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Movie Review: Breaking Dawn Part 2
Nov 24, 2012

I am so angry right now it's not even funny. I can't even.. *frus* Anyway, hi all. Been looking through some quotes today and found one that really jumped at me.
"Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition" 
That just speaks wonders to me. After all, some men are just useless. SOME. Not ALL. Don't go getting offended and start calling me sexist and bias cause I'm a girl. So on to the review.

Plot: Bella is enjoying her new life and new powers, after the birth of their daughter, Renesmee. Soon, however, their family bliss is threatened again, by a new menace. Vampire Irina believes a child like Renesmee could challenge the power and existence of the Volturi. As Irina rallies the Volturi to destroy this potential threat, Bella and the Cullens - together with any allies they can assemble - are preparing to fight a crucial, ultimate battle, to protect their family.

I do prefer the last two movies in the twilight saga. However, having read all the 4 books I do prefer them to the movies (of course I do, everyone does). This one wasn't too bad. Personally I would have loved to see the scene where everyone trains to get ready for the Volturi invasion. Renesmee is gorgeous. PG13 is not the right viewing class for this movie.They shouldn't even be having those scenes if they want it PG13. Don't we have enough pregnant-out-of-wedlock-cum-baby-dumping cases already? Sheesh. The beginning part where Bella wakes up for the first time and goes hunting was a little stupid for me but I liked the shots. Didn't quite like the ending much. Everyone in the audience pretty much got trolled by it. Won't spoil it for anyone of you who actually does read my blog but overall, it wasn't that bad a movie. I'd give it maybe 3 or 3.5/5-ish? 
Got a bunch of movies lined up on my to-watch list. 'Til here then. Peace and love.

Cheers! xx

Now Playing: When Did Your Heart Go Missing - Rooney (I swear it's like my playlist can read my moods or something. It's on shuffle btw)
Mood: Moody and full of teenage angst

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